2020 |
67 |
McClure CJW, Lepage DL, Dunn L, Anderson DL, Schulwitz SE, Camacho L, Robinson BW, Christidis L, Schulenberg TS, Iliff MJ, Rasmussen PC, Johnson JA. 2020. Toward reconciliation of the four world bird lists: hotspots of disagreement in taxonomy of raptors. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (in press). |
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66 |
Franke A, Falk K, Hawksaw K, Ambrose S, Anderson DL, Bente PJ, Booms T, Burnham KK, Ekenstedt J, Fufachev I, Ganusevich S, Johansen K, Johnson JA, Kharitonov S, Koskimies P, Kulikova O, Lindberg P, et al. 2020. Status and trends of circumpolar peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon populations. Ambio 49:762-783. |
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2019 |
65 |
McClure CJW, Schulwitz SE, Anderson DL, Robinson BW, Mojica EK, Therrian J-.F., Oleyar MD, Johnson JA. 2019. Commentary: Defining raptors and birds of prey. Journal of Raptor Research 53:419-430. |
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64 |
Minias P, Dunn PO, Whittingham LA, Johnson JA, Oyler-McCance. 2019. Evaluation of a Chicken 600K SNP genotyping array in non-model species of grouse. Scientific Reports 9:6407. |
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63 |
Abbona C, Lebrasseur O, Johnson JA, Giardina M, Neme G, Wolverton SJ. 2019. Analysis of ancient DNA from South American rhea bones: implications for zoozrchaeology and biogeography. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25:624-631. |
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2018 |
62 |
McClure CJW, Westrip JRS, Johnson JA, Schulwitz SE, Virani MZ, Davies R, Symes A, Wheatley H, Thorstrom R, Amar A, Buij R, et al. 2018. State of the world's raptors: distributions, threats, and conservation recommendations. Biological Conservation 227:390-402. |
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61 |
Whittingham LA, Dunn PO, Freeman-Gallant CR, Taff CC, Johnson JA. 2018. MHC variation and blood parasites in resident and migratory populations of the common yellowthroat. Journal of Evolutionary BIology 31:1544-1557. |
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60 |
Mindell DP, Fuchs J, Johnson JA. 2018. Phylogeny, taxonomy, and geographic diversity of diurnal raptors: Falconiformes, Accipitriformes, and Cathartiformes. In: Sarasola J, Grande J, Negro JJ (eds) Birds of Prey: Biology and Conservation in the XXI Century. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 3-32. |
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59 |
Burnham JH, Burnham KK, Chumchal MM, Welker JM, Johnson JA. 2018. Correspondence between mercury and isotopes in high Arctic marine and terrestrial avian species from northwest Greenland. Polar Biology 41:1475-1491. |
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58 |
Schulwitz S, Castaño PA, Mosquera D, Chugcho M, Campbell KJ, Johnson JA. 2018. Floreana Island re-colonization potential of the Galápagos Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus galapagoensis). Conservation Genetics 19:193-205. |
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57 |
Minias P, Bateson ZW, Whittingham LA, Johnson JA, Oyler-McCance S, Dunn PO. 2018. Extensive shared polymorphism at non-MHC immune genes in recently diverged North American prairie grouse. Immunogenetics 70:195-204. |
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2017 |
56 |
Burnham KK, Burnham JL, Konkel BW, Johnson JA. 2017. Significant decline observed in Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea population in northwest Greenland. Seabird 30:39-50. |
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55 |
Whitt J, Johnson JA, Reyna K. 2017. Two centuries of human-mediated gene flow in northern bobwhites. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:639-648. |
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54 |
Steeves TE, Johnson JA, Hale ML. 2017. Maximizing evolutionary potential in functional proxies for extinct species: a conservation genetic perspective on de-extinction. Functional Ecology 31:1032-1040. |
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53 |
Gobeli A, Crossley II D, Johnson JA, Reyna K. 2017. The effects of neonicotinoid exposure on embryonic development and organ mass in northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 195:9-15. |
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52 |
Zhang Y, Simon SE, Johnson JA, Allen MS. 2017. Spatial microbial composition along the gastrointestinal tract of captive Attwater's Prairie-chicken. Microbial Ecology 73:966-977. |
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51 |
Ribolli J, Hoeinghaus DJ, Johnson JA, Zaniboni-Filho E, de Freitas PD, Galetti PM Jr. 2017. Isolation-by-time population structure in potamodromous Dourado Salminus brasiliensis in southern Brasil. Conservation Genetics 18:67-76 |
2016 |
50 |
Johnson JA, Brown JW, Fuchs J, Mindell DP. 2016. Multi-locus phylogenetic inference among New World Vultures (Aves: Cathartidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 105:193-199.
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49 |
Gordon IJ, Altwegg R, Evans DM, Ewen JG, Johnson JA, Pettorelli N, Young JK. 2016. Reducing agricultural loss and food waste: how will nature fare? Animal Conservation 19:305-308. |
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48 |
Bateson ZW, Hammerly SC, Johnson JA, Morrow ME, Whittingham LA, Dunn PO. 2016. Specific alleles at immune genes, rather than genome-wide heterozygosity, are related to immunity and survival in the critically endangered Attwater's Prairie-chicken. Molecular Ecology 25:4730-4744. |
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47 |
Johnson JA, Altwegg R, Evans DM, Ewen JG, Gordon IJ, Pettorelli N, Young JK. 2016. Is there a future for genome-editing technologies in conservation? Animal Conservation 19:97-101. |
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46 |
Minias P, Bateson ZW, Whittingham LA, Johnson JA, Oyler-McCance S, Dunn PO. 2016. Contrasting evolutionary histories of MHC class I and class II loci in grouse - effects of selection and gene conversion. Heredity 116:466-476. |
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45 |
Oyler-McCance SJ, DeYoung RW, Fike JA, Hagan CA, Johnson JA, Larsson LC, Patten MA. 2016. Rangewide genetic analysis of Lesser Prairie-chicken reveals population structure, range expansion, and possible introgression. Conservation Genetics 17:643-660. |
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44 |
Hammerly SC, de la Cerda DA, Bailey H, Johnson JA. 2016. A pedigree gone bad: increased offspring survival after using DNA-based relatedness to minimize inbreeding in a captive population. Animal Conservation 19:296-303. |
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2015 |
43 |
Bateson ZW, Whittingham LA, Johnson JA, Dunn PO. 2015. Contrasting patterns of selection and drift between two categories of immune genes in prairie-chickens. Molecular Ecology 24:6095-6106. |
42 |
Schulwitz SE, Chumchal MM, Johnson JA. 2015. Mercury concentrations in birds from two atmospherically contaminated sites in north Texas, USA. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 69:390-398. |
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41 |
Evans DM, Altwegg R, Garner TWJ, Gompper ME, Gordon IJ, Johnson JA, Pettorelli N. 2015. Biodiversity offsetting: what are the challenges, opportunities and research priorities for animal conservation? Animal Conservation 18:1-3. |
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40 |
Galla SJ, Johnson JA. 2015. Differential introgression and effective size of marker type influence phylogenetic inference of a recently divergent avian group (Phasianidae: Tympanuchus). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84:1-13. |
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39 |
Fuchs J, Johnson JA, Mindell DP. 2015. Rapid diversification of falcons (Aves: Falconidae) due to expansion of open habitats in the Late Miocene. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82:166-182. |
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38 |
Ishtiaq F, Prakash V, Green RE, Johnson JA. 2015. Management implications of genetic studies for ex situ populations of three critically endangered Asian Gyps vultures. Animal Conservation 18:259-270. |
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2014 |
37 |
Schulwitz S, Bedrosian B, Johnson JA. 2014. Low neutral genetic diversity in an isolated greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) population in northwest Wyoming. The Condor 116:560-573. |
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36 |
Burnham KK, Sinnett DR, Johnson JA, Burnham JL, Baroch JA, Konkel BW. 2014. New species records and changes in abundance of waterfowl in northwest Greenland. Polar Biology 37:1289-1300. |
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35 |
Beasley RR, Lance SL, Jones KL, Berry RB, Johnson JA. 2014. Development of polymorphic microsatellite markers for the orange-breasted falcon (Falco deiroleucus). Conservation Genetics Resources 6:743-745. |
34 |
Bateson ZW, Dunn PO, Hull SD, Henschen AE, Johnson JA, Whittingham LA. 2014. Genetic restoration of a threatened population of greater prairie-chickens. Biological Conservation 174:12-19. |
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2013 |
33 |
Gordon IJ, Evans DM, Garner, TWJ, Katzner T, Gompper ME, Altwegg R, Branch T, Johnson JA, Pettorelli N. 2013. Enhancing communication between conservation biologists and conservation practitioners: Letters from the Conservation Front Line. Animal Conservation 17:1-2. |
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32 |
Hammerly SC, Morrow ME,Johnson JA. 2013. A comparison of pedigree- and DNA-based measures for identifying inbreeding depression in the critically endangered Attwater's Prairie-chicken. Molecular Ecology 22:5313-5328. |
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31 |
Katzner T, Johnson JA, Evans DM, Garner TWJ, Gompper ME, Altwegg R, Branch TA, Gordon IJ, Pettorelli N. 2013. Challenges and opportunities for animal conservation from renewable energy development. Animal Conservation 16:367-369. |
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30 |
Pettorelli N, Evans, DM, Garner TWJ, Katzner T, Gompper ME, Altwegg R, Branch T, Johnson JA, Acevedo-Whitehouse KA, DaVolls L, Rantanen E, Gordon IJ. 2013. Addressing gender imbalances in Animal Conservation. Animal Conservation 16:131-133. |
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29 |
Johnson JA, Burnham KK. 2013. Timing of breeding and offspring number covary with plumage colour among Gyrfalcons Falco rusticolus. Ibis 155:177-188. |
28 |
Burnham KK, Burnham WW, Newton I, Johnson JA, Gosler AG. 2013. The history and range expansion of peregrine falcons in the Thule area, northwest Greenland. Meddelelser om Grønland, BioScience. Museum Tusculanum Press. |
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2012 |
27 |
Johnson JA, Ambers AD, Burnham KK 2012. Genetics of plumage color in the Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus): analysis of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene. Journal of Heredity 103:315-321.
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26 |
Burnham KK, Johnson JA, Konkel B, Burnham JL. 2012. Nesting common eider (Somateria mollissima) population quintuples in Northwest Greenland. Arctic 65:456-464. |
25 |
Fuchs J, Johnson JA, Mindell DP. 2012. Molecular systematics of the caracaras and allies (Falconidae: Polyborinae) inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. Ibis 154:520-532. |
24 |
Johnson JA, Burnham. 2012. Population differentiation and adaptive selection on plumage color distributions in Gyrfalcons. In: Watson RT, Cade TJ, Fuller M, Hunt G, Potapov E (eds) Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a Changing World. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. |
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2011 |
23 |
Bollmer JL, Ruder EA, Johnson JA, Eimes JA, Dunn PO. 2011. Drift and selection influence geographic variation at immune loci of prairie-chickens. Molecular Ecology 20:4695-4706. |
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22 |
Johnson JA. 2011. More than meets the eye: importance of recognizing life history and population structure in monitoring populations. Animal Conservation 14:333-335. |
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21 |
Fuchs J, Chen S, Johnson JA, Mindell DP. 2011. Pliocene diversification within the South American forest falcons (Falconidae: Micrastur). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 60:398-407. |
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20 |
Pruett C, Johnson JA, Larsson LC, Wolfe D, Patten M. 2011. Low effective population size and survivorship in a grassland grouse. Conservation Genetics 12:1205-1214. |
19 |
Eimes JA, Bollmer JL, Whittingham LA, Johnson JA, van Oosterhout C, Dunn PO. 2011. Rapid loss of MHC class II variation in a bottlenecked population is explained by drift and loss of copy number variation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:1847-1856. |
2010 |
18 |
Johnson JA, Talbot SL, Sage GK, Burnham KK, Brown JW, Maechtle TL, Seegar WS, Yates MA, Anderson B, Mindell DP. 2010. The use of genetics for the management of a recovering population: temporal assessment of migratory peregrine falcons in North America. PLoS ONE 5:e14042. |
2009 |
17 |
Lerner HRL, Johnson JA, Lindsay AR, Kiff LF, Mindell DP. 2009. It's not too late for the harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja): high levels of genetic diversity and differentation can fuel conservation programs. PLoS One 4:e7336 |
16 |
Johnson JA, Tingay RE, Culver M, Hailer F, Clarke M, Mindell DP. 2009. Long-term survival despite low genetic variability in the critically endangered Madagascar fish-eagle. Molecular Ecology 18:54-63. |
15 |
Bouzat JL, Johnson JA, Toepfer JE, Simpson SA, Esker TL, Westemeier RL. 2009. Beyond the beneficial effects of translocations as an effective tool for the genetic rescue of isolated populations. Conservation Genetics 10:191-201. |
2008 |
14 |
Johnson JA, Gilbert M, Virani MZ, Asim M, Mindell DP. 2008. Temporal genetic analysis of the critically endangered oriental white-backed vulture in Pakistan. Biological Conservation 141:2403-2409. |
13 |
Johnson JA. 2008. Recent range expansion and divergence among North American prairie grouse. Journal of Heredity 99:165-173. |
2007 |
12 |
Johnson JA, Burnham KK, Burnham WA, Mindell DP. 2007. Genetic structure among continental and island populations of gyrfalcons. Molecular Ecology 16:3145-3160. |
11 |
Johnson JA, Thorstrom R, Mindell DP. 2007. Systematics and conservation of the hook-billed kite including two island taxa from Cuba and Grenada. Animal Conservation 10:349-359. |
10 |
Johnson JA, Dunn PO, Bouzat JL. 2007. Effects of recent population bottlenecks on reconstructing the demographic history of prairie-chickens. Molecular Ecology 16:2203-2222. |
9 |
Gilbert M, Watson RT, Ahmed S, Asim M, Johnson JA. 2007. Vulture restaurants and their role in reducing diclofenac exposure in Asian vultures. Bird Conservation International 17:63-77. |
2006 |
8 |
Johnson JA, Lerner HRL, Rasmussen PC, Mindell DP. 2006. Systematics within Gyps vultures: a clade at risk. BMC Evolutionary Biology 6:65. |
7 |
Ross JD, Arndt AD, Smith RFC, Johnson JA, Bouzat JL. 2006. Re-examination of the historical range of the greater prairie chicken using provenance data and DNA analysis of museum collections. Conservation Genetics 7:735-750. |
6 |
Johnson JA, Dunn PO. 2006. Low genetic variation in the Heath Hen prior to extinction and implications for the conservation of prairie-chicken populations. Conservation Genetics 7:37-48. |
2005 |
5 |
Johnson JA, Watson RT, Mindell DP. 2005. Prioritizing species conservation: does the Cape Verde kite exist? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 272:1365-1371. |
2004 |
4 |
Johnson JA, Bellinger MR, Toepfer JE, Dunn PO. 2004. Temporal changes in allele frequencies and low effective population size in greater prairie-chickens. Molecular Ecology 13:2617-2630. |
2003 |
3 |
Johnson JA, Toepfer JE, Dunn PO. 2003. Contrasting patterns of mitochondrial and microsatellite population structure in fragmented populations of greater prairie chickens. Molecular Ecology 12:3335-3347. |
2 |
Bellinger MR, Johnson JA, Toepfer JE, Dunn PO. 2003. Loss of genetic diversity in Wisconsin greater prairie chickens following a population bottleneck in Wisconsin, USA. Conservation Biology 17:717-724. |
1998 |
1 |
Johnson JA, Niedzlek-Feaver M. 1998. A histological study on the copulation duration, patterns of sperm transfer and organization inside the spermatheca of a grasshopper, Dichromorpha viridis (Scudder). Journal of Orthoptera Research 7:139-146. |