A. Johnson |
Associate ProfessorDept. of Biological SciencesInstitute of Applied SciencesTel: 940.369.8071jajohnson (AT) unt.eduC.V.
Kelsey Biles | Graduate Student, PhD (start: Fall '17)Research focus: American Kestrel ecologyBiological SciencesKelseyBiles (AT) |
Kelsey is researching American Kestrel winter site fidelity and demographics in north Texas in collaboration with Jim Bednarz. | |
Garrett Meeks | |||
Graduate Student, MS (start: Spring '17)Research focus: Peregrine Falcon phylogenomicsBiological SciencesGarrettMeeks2 (AT) |
Garrett is researchering peregrine falcon subspecies phylogenomics using whole genome sequence methods. | ||
Ania Wrona | |||
Graduate Student, MS (start: Fall '17)Research focus: Red-shouldered Hawk urban ecologyBiological SciencesAnnaWrona (AT) |
Ania is investigating extra-pair paternity in a red-shouldered hawk population near Cincinnatti, OH. This research is in collaboration with Cheryl Dykstra. | ||
Andrea Gibbons | |||
Graduate Student, MS (start: Spring '18)Research focus: Harris's Hawk population biologyBiological SciencesAndreaGibbons (AT) |
Andrea is investigating the behavioral ecology of South Texas Harris's Hawk in collaboration with Jim Bednarz and Bill Clark. | ||
Christine Gurley | |||
Graduate Student, MS (start: Spring '18)Research focus: Painted Bunting population ecologyBiological SciencesChristineGurley (AT) my.unt.edupersonal website:
Christine is a Master’s student researching delayed plumage maturation in male Painted Buntings. In this species, males possess similar plumage as females during their first potential breeding season, then obtain their characteristic brigntly colored breeding plumage after their second year (ASY). Christine’s MS research is investigating whether males gain any reproductive success before molting into their ASY breeding plumage. This project is in collaboration with Jim Bednarz (UNT) and Peter Dunn (University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee).
Courtney Paine | |||
Graduate Student, MS (start: Fall '18)Research focus: Zone-tailed Hawk hunting behaviorBiological SciencesCourtneyPaine (AT) |
Courtney is investigating the hypothesis that zone-tailed hawks possess a similar flight behavior as turkey vultures to gain access to potential prey (i.e., predaceous mimicry) in collaboration with Jim Bednarz. | ||
Ronny Gale | |||
Graduate Student, MS (start: Fall '17)Research focus: Prairie grouse phylogeneticsBiological SciencesRonnyGale (AT) |
Lab Alumni: | |
Graduate students: | |
Sarah Schulwitz | Obtained MS May 2012 and PhD in 2016. Currently working for The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho |
Stephanie Galla | Obtained MS May 2013. PhD - Univ of Canterbury (2020), currently PostDoc at Boise State Univ |
Susan Hammerly | Obtained PhD Aug 2014. Currently Visiting Assistant Professor at SUNY-Oswego |
Alex Stock | Obtained MS Aug 2018. |
Jeff Whitt | Obtained PhD Aug 2019. Currently a PostDoc at Texas A&M - Commerce |
Pradeep Khanal | Obtainied MS August 2020. |
Undergraduate students: | |
Taylor Allison | Undergraduate Researcher -- Graduated with BS May 2011 (now in Dental School) |
Jaclyn Rosenwinkle | Undergraduate Researcher -- Graduated with BS May 2011 |
Jessica Fowler | Undergraduate Researcher -- Graduated with BS Dec 2010 (now at Arkansas State Univ with Dr. Virginie Rolland) |
Nicole Harris | Undergraduate Researcher -- Graduated with BS May 2010 |
Ryan Williams | Undergraduate Researcher, McNair Scholar -- Graduated with BS May 2012 |
Jana Wold | Undergraduate Researcher, HMMI Scholar -- Graduated with BS May 2012 (now at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand) |
David De La Cerda | Undergraduate Researcher, HMMI Scholar -- Graduated with BS August 2013 (now at Washington University) |
Alysha Jaballa | Undergraduate Researcher -- Graduated with BS in May 2015 |
last updated May 2020