Current Individual's Profiles
Lab Photos - Previous Years
Where are they now?
Our Lab - 2024-2025 Academic Year
Current Individual Profiles
Lab Principal Investigator

- Warren W. Burggren (B.Sc. University of Calgary; Ph.D., University of East Anglia, UK)
- Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas
P.O. Box 305220, Denton, TX, 76203-5220,U.S.A.

- Dao Ho (Ph.D., Navy Medical Research Unit, San Antonio, TX )
- Dao’s current research focuses on advancing military health readiness. Her expertis behavior, neurobiology, and cardiovascular physiology, with a strong focus in the a of psychosocial stress on renal and vascular disease risk, and epigenetic processes.
Research Scientists

- Gil Martinez Bautista (Ph.D., Universidad Juárez Autnoma de Tabasco, Villahermosa, Mexico)
- Gil’s research is related to the morphological, physiological, and molecular responses of developing vertebrates to changes in the environment, focusing on heterokairy, developmental critical windows and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.
Graduate Students

- Wenasa Frifer (B.Sc. Triopoli University; M.Sc., University of North Texas)
- Wenasa's research interests are focused on the combined effect of oil crude (HEWAF) with other natural stressors (temperature and oxygen concentration) on planarian behavior, regeneration, and oxygen consumption.

- Karem Vazquez Roman (B.Sc., Biology Major, Instituto Tecnológicode Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, M.Sc., University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA)
- Karem is investigating the effects of severe acute hypoxia on the heart during early development in fish, testing of pharmacological compounds, and their effect on regeneration in cardiac muscle after a cardiac arrest, as well as in the behavioral traits exhibited later in development after organisms presented cardiac injury.

- Chris Melendez (B.Sc. and M.Sc., California State University San Marcos)
- Chris is interested in concepts of developmental phenotypic plasticity. Currently, he is examining the immediate and long-term modifications to morphological and physiological phenotypes in response temperature and salinity throughout development from nauplius stages to adult stages in the water flea, Artemia.

- Lindsey Daniel (B.Sc., Biology Major, Chemistry and Spanish Minor, University of North Texas)
- Lindsey is interested in cellular and physiological variations that occur within the first 4 hours of embryonic development. She is currently researching developmental variation in embryos from two different populations of Killifish (Fundulus grandis). How stressors affect initial variation between the two populations is her primary focus. Additional experiments are underway to determine the mechanisms behind these differences.

- Steven Williams (B.Sc., University of North Texas, Denton, Texas)
- Steven is investigating in the zebrafish model whether the recovery of cardiac form and function following hypoxic damage occurs by hyperplasia (increased cell numbers) or hypertrophy (increased cell size).
- Katherine Burbules (B.Sc., University of North Texas
- Katherine's research project involves the metabolic physiology of the weather loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus), an air-breathing fish that uses its gut as a respiratory organ.
- Lauren Kowalski (B.Sc., Arizona State University, M.Sc. University of Texas at Tyler )
- Lauren's research focuses on epigenetic inheritance of hypoxia tolerance
- Haley Huse (B.Sc., University of North Texas)
- Haley is currently designing her project
- Jack Eudy (B.Sc., University of North Texas)
- Jack's research focuses on how temperature alters physiological processes, especially at the extremes of an animal's temperature range.
Undergraduate Students
Moira Cartee
Harini Rajmohan
Sanjana Ramineni
Lab Photos - Previous Years
2022-2023 Academic Year

2021-2022 Academic Year

2019-2020Academic Year

2018-2019 Academic Year

2017-2018 Academic Year
2016-2017 Academic Year
2015-2016 Academic Year
2014-2015 Academic Year
2013-2014 Academic Year
2012-2013 Academic Year
2011-2012 Academic Year
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2010-2011 Academic Year
2009-2010 Academic Year
2008-2009 Academic Year
2007-2008 Academic Year
2006-2007 Academic Year
2005-2006 Academic Year
2004-2005 Academic Year
2003-2004 Academic Year
2002-2003 Academic Year
2001-2002 Academic Year
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Past Lab Members - Where Are They Now?
Former Postdoctoral Fellows
- Gil Martinez Bautista (Research Scientist, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas)
- Torben Göpel (Research Faculty, University of Gottenigen, Germany)
- Ben Dubansky (Research Faculty, Louisana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
- Prescilla Perrichon (Research Scientist, Institute of Marine Research, Storebø, Norway)
- Amelie Crespel (Research Scientist, University of Turku, Finland)
- Casey Mueller (Faculty, California State University, San Marcos)
- Sarah Andrewartha (Lecturer, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, Australia)
- Francis Pan - 2010 (Research Scientist, University of Southern California, USA)
- Dao Ho - 2010 (Department Head, Cellular and Immune Based Adjuncts, Naval Medical Research Unit, San Antonio, Texas)
- Bonnie Blossman-Myer (Adjunct Faculty, University of North Texas, USA)
- Edward Dzialowski (Faculty, University of North Texas, USA)
- Jordi Altimiras (Liknopings University, Sweden)
- Regina Fritsche (Research Vice President, AstraZenca, Sweden)
- Tobias Wang (Faculty, Aarhus University, Denmark)
- Stephen Warburton (Faculty, Northern Arizona University, USA)
- Frances Ragsdale (Faculty, Winona State University, USA)
- Andrew Gannon (Faculty, Birmingham Southern College)
- Alan Pinder (Faculty, Dalhousie University, Canada)
- Timothy Vitalis (Professional Staff, biOasis Technologies Inc., Canada)
- Bernd Pelster (Faculty, University of Innsbruck, Austria)
- Allan Smits (Faculy, Quinnipiac University, USA)
Former Ph.D Students
- Karem Vazquez Roman - 2024 (Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of North Texas)
- Alicia Dunton - 2023 (Environmental Protection Agency, Kansas City, MO)
- Naim Bautista - 2019 (Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska)
- Sheila Sadruddin - 2017 (Chief Medical Offiicer, SpaceBorne United, Netherlands )
- Josele Flores Santin - 2016 (Faculty, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, México)
- Fernando Sanchez Mendez - 2015 (Faculty, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, México)
- Kelly Reyna - 2010 (Faculty, Texas A&M University Commerce, Commerce, Texas)
- Francis Pan - 2009 (Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Southern California)
- Greta Bolin - 2009 (Faculty, Tarrant County Community College, Ft. Worth, Texas)
- Tara Blank - 2009 (Science Advisor for American Environmental Health Studies Project)
- Dao Ho - 2008 (Department Head, Cellular and Immune Based Adjuncts, Naval Medical Research Unit, San Antonio, Texas)
- Bonnie Myer - 2007 (Lecturer, University of North Texas, USA)
- Brian Bagatto, 2001 (Faculty, University of Akron, USA)
- Dane Crossley,1999 (Faculty, University of North Texas, USA)
- Paul Territo,1996 (Faculty, Indiana University, USA)
- Tobias Wang, 1993 (Faculty, Aarhus University, Denmark)
- Lucy Ping-Chun Hou, 1991 (Faculty, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
- XiXi Jia, 1991 (Professional Staff, Emory University, USA)
- Robert Infantino, 1991 (Faculty and Assoc. Dean, University of Maryland, USA)
- Carl Reiber, 1991 (Faculty, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA)
- Peter Kimmel, 1990 (Faculty, Castelton State College, USA)
- Alan Pinder, 1985 (Faculty, Dalhousie University)
- Dana Quinn, 1982 (Private Practice)
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